About The Garden

The garden space is intended to gather community around delicious food featuring global flavors from locally grown seasonal ingredients. Our goal is to educate, grow food, exchange knowledge and enjoy a delicious meal with community, that supports our local foodshed.

Subscribe to our Garden Club Newsletter and be notified of upcoming supper club events, workshops and wellness events hosted in the outdoor kitchen. Events are constantly evolving, if you’d like to collaborate or host something reach out! Email: info@rystable.com

We are outdoor only; SEASONAL operation, weather Permitting

Spring/Summer February 15th - June 15th ; CLOSED JULY

Summer/ Fall August 15th - November 15th ; CLOSED DECEMBER, JANUARY

Perennial Happenings


Our Supper Clubs are multi-coursed family-style dinners held once a month, every 4th Saturday in Ry’s private outdoor kitchen in the garden. Meals are inspired by global flavors and seasonal availability, featuring wine pairings and produce from the garden. Evenings often end fireside where guests are invited to lounge after the meal. To register Click here or visit our Supper Club Page. Booking required.


- a monthly Garden Cafe -

Slow Down with us at our monthly Sunday community gathering in the garden and explore wellness through food and movement. Enjoy the scenery and make new friends over adaptogenic elixirs, fresh juices, coffee and brunch by Ry. Yoga and sound healing offered if you'd like to participate. All AGES with a kids playzone. DROP-IN anytime 9AM-12pm. Registration is inclusive of food, drinks and participation in any wellness activity. Kids are always FREE. $25/per person; $35 Day of. Advance Registration Or Visit the Events Page for earlybird price.


Growing Food

Meals Together

Attend our family style Garden Supper Club meals where you can dine with fellow local food enthusiasts. Ingredients are grown directly on the land or sourced from partner growers and center around seasonal availability.

Classes & Workshops

Education is the first step in becoming empowered to make more informed choices around food. We will be offering classes in Thai cooking, Ayurveda, herbal medicine, and hosting partner growers and makers to exchange knowledge.

grow What You Eat

The Garden is full of seasonal abundance, natives as well as rare tropicals that Ry loves to cook with. We share what we cultivate at any event. We are grateful to Community Foodscapes for the edible landscape design of our space.